Agda the Historian
Agda (4207-4284 FYA) was a historian at the Great Library at Althavan who, at the age of 40, was asked by Emperor Vestari VIII to compile a single history of the world from the books on that subject in the Great Library. She spent the next ten years compiling dates and facts from the existing literature, but found "a few inconsistencies that need to be reconciled." She then spent the next twenty-two years traveling the world to get her facts straight.
She released the first volume of her History of the World in 4279 and the next eighteen volumes every few months until her death in 4284. Working from her notes, her assistants compiled volumes nineteen through twenty-six between 4280 and 4291. At the time of his death in 4300, Tabor the Diligent was working on an addendum that was never finished, but were published unedited in Tabor's Notes on an Addendum to Agda's History of the World.