Reputation Bloc: Hagivi Revolutionary
From The Thalassan Sphere
The Hagivi Revolutionary Reputation Bloc includes groups loyal to or seeking the promotion of the current government of Hagiv. As most organizations in Hagiv are, to some degree or another, self-serving, this isn't always a clear distinction, but these groups all see themselves as "basically on the same side."
Reputation Groups
- Revolutionary Guard - the group responsible for the safety and well-being of the Glorious Leader.
- Revolutionary Council - The Council runs the day-to-day affairs of Hagiv.
- People's Revolutionary Party - The Party is the apparatus of orthodoxy in daily life in Hagiv
- Daughters of the Revolution - The Daughters of the Revolution are the clerics of Hagiv. The Glorious Leader powers them through his Sunstone fragment.
- Revolutionary Dawn - Revolutionary Dawn are the paladins of Hagiv. They serve the Revolutionary Council and are powered by the Glorious Leader through his Sunstone Fragment.
- The Rendorseg - The Rendorseg are the Hagivi Secret Police. (The not-so-secret police are called the constabulary.)
- Eyes of the Council - The Eyes of the Council are Hagiv's official spy service. It's their job to know everything about everyone at all times and find out why they're a counterrevolutionary.
- Ministry of Magic - The Ministry of Magic is largely the administrative arm of Hagivi life. It is run by wizards and implements the will of the council. All licensed wizards are dues-paying members of the Ministry.
- The CCRTD - The Counter-Counterrevolutionary Thought Division is the most feared organization in Hagiv. It's said that the Eyes of the Council look where the CCRTD tells them there's something to see.
- The Vass Family - Although many may (quietly) question their loyalty to the People, there's no doubt the Vass Family benefit from the current government being in power in Hagiv.