GPRH Ministry of Careers New Hire Orientation

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Today is a glorious day, comrade! Thanks to your decision to become a field agent in service to the People's Revolutionary Party, you are on your way to a career filled with excitement, danger, and numerous opportunities to serve the Greater Good and the people of Hagiv along with their servants, the Party.

Administrator: Just a quick note, the links in this document have been inserted by counterrevolutionary elements. Clicking on them will give you information that has not been cleared by the Party for public consumption. Already clicked on one? Excellent! You're probably a counterrevolutionary. (In real world terms, this means you'll get player knowledge different from what your characters "know." It's up to you to keep them separate.)

Hagiv is a rich, diverse country with a history going back hundreds of years. Will you serve out of Szasz, the nation's proud capital where you might be able to serve the Revolutionary Council directly or even the Nagev himself? Maybe you'll serve in Nagev's Glory, the center of Hagiv's naval power, helping to ferret out retrograde royalists who want to roll back the People's Revolution.

You might end up in North Gavek, a center of wealth and trade, but also a city crawling with suspicious-looking foreigners or Tavoli Halasz, a den of smugglers and cutthroats who nonetheless serve the Greater Good by trading with the nations of Kaza Orok, Anover and Avari.

Wherever you end up, we believe you'll serve the party faithfully and unstintingly. It's certainly in your best interest to do so.