House Rule:Reputation

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Reputation is a mechanism for determining the attitude of groups towards individual characters. It's used to determine how well or poorly encounters with members of those groups start. Each institution has their own rules for how individuals gain or lose reputation with them.

In game terms, reputation is a score your character has relative to a reputation group or reputation bloc. You will have multiple reputations, some good and some bad. If you are affiliated with a bloc or group, that group may assign you goals that grant reputation and bonus experience points.

You start off with a group reputation of fifty for groups who know nothing about you. But that reputation will automatically be effected by how that group views "your kind." If a group is elf supremacist and you're a dwarf, they'll probably dislike you right off the bat.


Pokchop brings the body of Elfalina to Jessica, a Daughter of the Revolution for resurrection. The DoR doesn't know Elfalina personally, but the DotR are part of the Hagiv Revolutionary reputation bloc, who are all inherently anti-elf, giving Elfalina -40 to her reputation with Jessica. The Daughters of the Revolution use reputation as a straight up percentage roll for performing free resurrections. So, after failing a roll, she initially recoils in horror, "You want me to resurrect an elf?"

Pokchop, however, is a hero of the revolution and the son of a member of the Revolutionary Council and says Elfalina is a "boon companion who's risen above the taint of her blood." So his reputation (85) is used for a second roll. The cleric accedes, "Very well. But it's on your head if the Revolutionary Spirits are angry."