Daybreak, Hagiv
Founded in 16 DB, Daybreak was one of the first human settlements on Hagiv following the Demonbreaker War. Built at the foot of Kistestvere Mountain and adjacent to Kovar Remeny, it grew to become a vibrant mining town in post-Cataclysm Hagiv.
In 37 DB, the Deep Delver Dwarves start attacking Daybreak's miners in the caves under the mountain. Shortly thereafter, they come pouring out of the mountain and attack Daybreak. This leads to the Deep Delver War, which lasts about two years.
During the Thalassan Era, Daybreak thrived, expanded, and became wealthy. It lost a lot of prestige in the 480s and 490s when its populace largely sided with Thalassa in the Hagivi War for Independence. Heavy strictures and forfeits were placed on the city's populace by the victors. Largely as a result, Daybreak sided heavily with the Glorious People's Revolutionary Army during the next war.
After the war was won, Daybreak regained much of its previous prestige and looked likely to dominate the new Revolutionary Council with strong representation from both the human and dwarven sides. To avoid this, Bertok Vass led a series of show trials against the city leader and, when they started to go poorly for him, staged a false flag attack on revolutionary forces garrisoned there, then used it as a pretext to invade the city, seize its wealth, and scatter its citizens in 519 DB.
Again, many of its citizens fled to the safety of the mines where the Inland Rebellion was hatched. They eventually joined forces with the Elven Liberation Front, which brought the Spider Druids who wrapped the now largely empty city of Daybreak in a thick web meant to slow attack without being a direct challenge to the Hagivi forces.