Hagiv is an island of roughly 100,000 square miles, less than 2,000 miles from the Cap. It's a closed society run by a Glorious Leader and a Revolutionary Council. Following the Cataclysm, Hagiv was a monarchy. It became a Thalassan protectorate in 126 DB. Between 488 and 520, it underwent two violent civil wars, which led to the current administration.
The Revolutionary People's Republic of Hagiv is very much a "government of the coasts." It has strong control in coastal cities and can project its will (via the army) into the interior, but most people more than ten miles from the coast live their lives and don't think about all the revolutionary business very often.
The major cities are Szasz, the capital in the west, Nagev's Glory in the east, and the Gaveks in the north.
The most notable feature of the island is All People's Mountain, a giant mountain that is more than thirty miles across at the base and whose highest peak is more than 26,000 feet above sea level.